WiseAnt AI – A GenAI powered Answer engine

WiseAnt AI – A GenAI powered Answer engine.

WiseAnt AI - A ChatGPT for Personal Finance, our new LLM-powered Answer engine, is designed to provide GenZ Indians with concise and easy-to-understand answers to their personal finance questions.

All the references are scouted from trusted sources, cleaned, and improved by our finance experts from the WiseAnt team. The engine will try to answer the questions based on the provided trusted sources only (aka zero hallucinations).

Currently, our engine can answer any questions about Mutual Fund Investments such as Index, Growth, and Thematic Funds, along with a few answers for Income Tax Sections like 80C, 8DDD, etc and we will be continuously updating the content from credible sources.

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Save BIG & Invest smartly

What do our users say?

Investing - WiseAnt

Welcome to the world of actual Savings

WiseAnt will help you to save more significantly.

We know it is tough to save your money, whereas WiseAnt's innovative Savings methods inculcate the habit of savings.

Do you want to buy an iPhone, Macbook, BMW Car or Luxury House? WiseAnt will help you to create meaningful dreams & goals and make it affordable.

track bank accounts - wiseant

See all of your money in one place.

WiseAnt tracks your expenses and shows how much you spend on things like food ordering & fashion apps, and more through UPI, Credit Card, Debit Card, and Bank Accounts, plus shows you ways to Save BIG.

Track expenses and create savings goals

Track your expenses & transactions to get insights into how you spend your money every month. Set meaningful goals to help pay down your debt, invest, and save for your future.

Link banks and credit card accounts

Learn more about your financial habits and worthy nudges. WiseAnt will auto-categorize your expenses, investments & other transactions across your banks, investment, and credit card accounts.

Investing - WiseAnt

Invest in Gold ETF baskets

Start investing from your daily or weekly spending for your financial goals.

Not just Gold ETFs, you can also invest in Silver, Equity-based ETF baskets recommended by Sebi Registered Advisor.

Try different combinations of low-risk and small-ticket investment baskets as low as Rs.50.

Learn about savings, investments and grow your wealth

Invest in a range of safe investment tools such as gold, bonds, savings accounts, ETFs and mutual funds to build your wealth.

Frequently asked questions

The logical justification for why women should invest is simply because men can, and do. But outside of stating the obvious, investments are a great way for women to grow their income. If a woman is working, for example, she can apportion some of her disposal income each month and put that in markets. This could help her save for many things: a vacation, a degree, a vehicle, or even have extra money saved for a rainy day. But a woman need not be working to invest in markets. Perhaps you’re a woman who stays at home to take care of her family. Investing in markets is a strong mechanism to earn money for long-term goals your family may have: buying a home or saving for your child’s education fees.

At what age should a woman start investing? Is it when you land your first job? Perhaps it is when you first start making a bit of money? Could it be after a promotion? The answer, fortunately, is not complex and summarized perfectly by the classic proverb, “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.” Truth be told, if women were influenced to financially plan their lives earlier, there is no doubt that not only would they be more empowered today but would also have more representation in business environments. While many women are more than fortunate to have found high-growth investment tools when they did, they will tell you that they would be much further ahead if they had pulled the trigger earlier. With that said, not all forms of investment are indeed ideal for someone starting new. When it comes to investing, some routes are far less challenging, and frankly, less cumbersome than others. After all, who wants unnecessary hassle when it can be easily avoided by just selecting more suitable investments over others?

When you first begin investing, do so in a way that helps you get the best RoI (return on investment) and bang for your buck. While we are all exceptionally busy, women sometimes have the added responsibility of co-managing work with responsibilities at home. This could make it challenging for them to review their portfolio on a daily or weekly basis. On the other hand, some women may find that they want to manage their portfolio more actively. No two investment portfolios are the same and that’s why it’s important to be vigilant of how much time you can commit, which in turn can influence your investment options The following investment options can be ideal for women: Digital Gold, ETFs and Mutual Funds.

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